Bardock And King Vegeta Fusion

  1. Dragon Ball Z King Vegeta
  2. Bardock And King Vegeta Fusion Super

Photo of fusion fighters for fans of bardock and king vegeta 29667123. This bardock and king vegeta photo contains anime, comic book, manga, and cartoon. The anime and manga never specifically said anything like that, so I don’t think so. It’s highly unlikely considering the relationship between Goku and Vegeta. Re: 100% Final Form Frieza VS SSJ Great Ape Potara Fusion Bargeta (Anime King Vegeta + Episode of Bardock, Bardock) Well great ape is 10x base and ssj is 50x base so combining those 2 = 500x base.

Before we rush to judgment and say that Goku is the strongest saiyan in the DBZ Universe, we have to consider the many mitigating factors in the franchise. For instance, Vegeta is the prince of Saiyans, Broly is a Legendary Super Saiyan, and Raditz wouldn’t have even be defeated had it not been for Piccolo’s help.

Therefore, we should state our criteria carefully. Firstly, this will only include Saiyans from Universe 7, so no Saiyan introduced in Dragon Ball Super will be included. Furthermore, we’ll put aside any fusion Saiyans, such as Gotenks and Gogeta, because that just doesn’t seem fair. The list will focus on strength, transformation ability, and ultimately the person’s potential. Also, if the person is dead, we will be considering their powers up until the moment of their death to avoid forming any hypothesis on what would have happened had the individual survived. Now that we know what our ranking will be based on, let’s get started.

9. Raditz

The older brother of Goku, Raditz was clearly at a higher power level than Goku at the time of their fight. But, it is important to remember that when Gohan got angry, he had a power level that was higher than that of Raditz. Therefore, Raditz’s power level cannot be the highest considering that he took a shot from a kid Gohan and was critically injured from it. He may have had a lot of potential considering that he is Goku’s brother, but he was killed by Piccolo so we will never know what could have happened.

8. Turles

He had a very short-lived time in the Dragon Ball universe. After encountering a spirit bomb, it was quickly over for his life. But, it did not stop him from defeating all of the Z fighters.

7. Bardock

The father of Goku and Raditz, Bardock was a very powerful Saiyan. He is a powerful leader in Frieza’s army, so much so that Frieza secretly desired to kill him. When he gets injured in Bardock — The Father of Goku, the doctors reveal that his power level can surpass that of King Vegeta. He is a warrior through and through. Sadly, he is easily killed by Frieza and thus, deserving of the #7 ranking on this list.

6. Goten

Goten is abnormally strong for his age and small stature. He is light years ahead of where Goku was when he was the same age in the first Dragon Ball saga. He is the youngest person to ever become a Super Saiyan, a title that was previously held by his older brother, Gohan. Following the death of Goku, Chi Chi was really adamant about training Goten while she left Gohan to focus on his studies. Goten turned Super Saiyan on a whim, following a fighting match with his mother. It took years of training and the death of Krillin for Goku to even become angry enough to become a Super Saiyan, but Goten is able to turn it off and on at his disposal.

5. Trunks

Trunks is one year older than Goten and is only slightly more powerful than him. But, it is shown that Trunks retains a power level greater than that of Goten for a while. He has to power down to Goten’s level in order to perform the fusion dance to create Gotenks. He also beat Goten in the world martial arts tournament, albeit, in a kind of shady way. We see what becomes of Trunks in the future and he is obviously bad-ass, defeating King Cold and Mecha Frieza with a couple slashes of his sword.

4. Gohan

Gohan had the potential to surpass his father, seeing how he was able to go Super Saiyan 2 before Goku could, but he let his mother’s influence get the best of him. He started doing that Great Saiyaman mess, and his hype died down. But, his potential is what keeps him towards the top of the list. He is the person who had the ability to beat Cell when nobody else could. He was able to go step-for-step with Super Buu until a piece of Buu snuck up on Gohan and absorbed him. He still remains one of the most powerful Saiyans of all time however. He trained both Trunks and Goten and ultimately sired Pan … even though we don’t like to talk about GT.

3. Broly

If Broly did not die, then he probably would be number one on this list. Broly is the Legendary Super Saiyan. He made Goku and Vegeta look like child’s play and is without a shadow of a doubt the strongest Saiyan in terms of raw power. Sadly, we were unable to see what he would have become had he not been killed. Goku was only able to beat him because he had to take energy from everybody else. Had that not been the case, we would all be doing Broly vs. Superman comparisons instead of Goku vs. Superman comparisons.

2. Vegeta

The prince of all Saiyans, Vegeta is a very strong saiyan. Sometimes he gets ahead of himself and gets beat up in the process because of it, but he trained extremely hard to get to where he is. He is only one of two Saiyans who are able to go Super Saiyan God, the other being Goku. If he wasn’t always trying to catch up to Goku, then this will be a different story. But, imagine if he went Majin Super Saiyan God? The man would be unstoppable. But, since that is not happening, the only award that Vegeta will be receiving is for the worst hairline in Dragon Ball.

1. Goku

Come on? Did you really see this going any other way? He has saved the world on multiple occasions, sired two very powerful Saiyans, brought people back to life, and was the first to go Super Saiyan God. The man is resilient. This isn’t even be a debate.

A/N: Welcome to my first Dragon Ball fic! I hope you all enjoy it! And for those of you waiting for me to finish up my other stories don't worry. This'll probably be only three or four chapters long. Anyway, remember to fav, follow, and review!

Chapter 1: Three Saiyans from Hell

'I'm not sure of this. It's completely unheard of,' King Yemma told his visitor, the Kai of the Northern Quadrant, who stood atop the giant red ogre's desk.

'I know. I know,' King Kai responded. 'It won't be for long though.'

'Still, those three are in Hell for a reason,' Yemma argued. 'They each played a part in the genocide of multiple species and civilizations!'

'I am fully aware of their crimes. I've seen them myself. It is my job to monitor the Northern Galaxy,' King Kai reminded him.

'Right, my bad,' King Yemma apologised. 'But you do understand my reluctance, do you not?'

'Yes, although I doubt the woman would cause any trouble. The other two, however…'

'I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to cause trouble,' King Yemma finished. 'Especially the older of the two.'

'True, but considering they'll be on the Grand Kai's planet, where the greatest fighters of all four quadrants of the universe as well as the four Kais and the Grand Kai himself, I think it'll be alright.'

'Good point. Although, I am surprised that you would ask this of me though. Aren't you mad at Goku for uh, well…' King Yemma didn't finish his sentence, but it was clear he was referring to the halo over King Kai's head.

King Kai growled quietly. 'Yeah, still mad about that, but I'll be willing to to ignore the fact that he made me the first Kai to ever die,' he stated angrily before calming down, 'when he wins the tournament.'

'Why's that?'

'Me and West Kai made a bet. If one of my fighters wins the tournament, I get his planet to replace the one Goku got blown up. Plus, once Goku wins, all the other Kais will know that the strongest fighter in the universe came from the my quadrant!' he said smugly.

The large ogre king resisted the urge to roll his eyes. While he had the utmost respect for the four Kais that watched over the universe, he found that they often acted childish when together or referring to each other. 'You seem quite certain Goku will win. Many of the fighters have trained there for thousands of years. They have quite the advantage over him in terms of experience. And what if Goku loses, but another one of your fighters wins, like Olibu.'

'True, Olibu is one of the best fighters I've got. But truth be told, I don't think he's reached Goku's level. Not quite yet anyway. Besides, I've got a gut feeling Goku's gonna win. He's pulled of the impossible before. I thought he was dead the moment he challenged Frieza. Imagine my surprise when he not only survived, but actually beat him. At his full power no less.'

'That boy is something else, I'll give him that. Does Goku even know about this?' Yemma asked.

King Kai shook his head. 'Nah, I'll surprise him. Besides, it's not like he needs the extra motivation to win. The prospect of fighting incredibly powerful opponents is all he needs to get his Saiyan blood pumping.'

'Too true,' Yemma agreed. 'Fine, I'll have them brought here.' He picked up the phone sent the orders to his ogres in Hell.

A fair amount of time passed before three Saiyans appeared in front of King Yemma's desk, two males and one female. All of them shared the usual Saiyan traits: black hair and eyes, brown tails, and each had on battle armor, as well as a halo. One of the men had long spiky hair that ended halfway down his calves. His armor with shoulder guards as well as his gloves and boots were brown and black. His tail was wrapped around his waist like a belt.

The woman, who was slightly shorter than the two men, had shaggy hair that reached her shoulders. Her armor was pink highlighted with green. Under the armor was a dark blue bodysuit, though the only visible part of it was covering her legs. Unlike the other guy, she had straps instead of shoulder guards and wore purple armbands instead of gloves. Her boots were white and her tail swung freely.

The last man's armor also had straps. It was dark blue and green, and so were his boots. He had red armguards and legwarmers. His left cheek had an X-shaped scar and his forehead had what looked like a red headband but was actually a white armband that was soaked with the blood of one of his teammates. His unkempt hair greatly resembled the hairstyle of a certain full-blooded Saiyan raised on Earth. He, like the other male, had his tail wrapped around his waist. He was the tallest of the three Saiyans.

'Bardock!' the woman exclaimed in happiness.

'Gine? That you?' the tallest Saiyan, dubbed Bardock, asked in surprise.

'Yes it is!' she responded as she hugged him tightly, tears in her eyes. Bardock reciprocated the hug, having missed his wife.

The third Saiyan looked at the two in shock and confusion. 'Mom? Dad?'

'Raditz?' Bardock asked, also confused, wondering what was going on.

'Raditz!' Gine released Bardock and went to hug her son. He didn't hug her back, but didn't resist either. 'Wow, look how much you've grown!' Raditz did nothing but look at his mother in shock.

Bardock cleared his throats to get his wife and son's attention. 'As nice as this family reunion is…'

'Wait, someone's missing,' Gine interrupted. 'Where's Kakarot?' A scowl crossed Raditz face at the thought of his traitorous little brother.

'He probably still alive, unlike us,' Bardock answered.

Gine looked at him funny 'What? I mean, I know we're dead. I remember the day Frieza destroyed Planet Vegeta, but Raditz is here and he isn't…' She stopped when she turn to her eldest and saw the halo over his head. She gasped and cover her mouth. 'Raditz, your dead?'

'I, err, rather not talk about,' Raditz answered. Gine hugged him sadly.

Bardock, however, seemed curious. 'I wonder if it was Frieza who killed him. That bastard! He will pay! Kakarot will make sure of it.' Bardock thought as he remembered his vision prior to Planet Vegeta's destruction. 'We still don't know what's going on. We're not in Hell anymore and we've got our bodies back.'

'That's because of me.' The three Saiyans turned to see King Kai approach them. 'I am King Kai of the Northern Quadrant. I've had you removed from Hell and given bodies. Temporarily of course. You're all guilty of genocide.' He turn to Gine. 'Though you left fighting behind, that doesn't change the fact that you've taken innocent lives and done no significant good to make up for it.' Gine looked away in shame. She deeply regretted what she had done in life. All the lives she took. It was part of the reason she retired and took a job in meat distribution on Planet Vegeta. The Kai turned to 'And though you saved the Plantians from Frieza's ancestor Chilled…'

'Wait what?' Both Gine and Raditz shouted, staring at Bardock.

'That doesn't make up for the many species you've ended in service to Frieza.' Bardock scoffed and crossed his arms. He didn't care about the people he's killed, only that he and his entire species was used by Frieza, then destroyed. 'And finally you, Raditz. You're the worst of the three of you.'

'So what? I'm a Saiyan, the greatest warrior race in the Universe!' Raditz proclaimed with pride. 'Everyone I killed died because they were weak. That's the Saiyan way. It's as simple as that.'

'And let's not forget the fact that you kidnapped and threatened to kill your own nephew,' King Kai added.


'What? Nephew? Does that mean Kakarot has a son? I'm a grandmother?' Gine questioned. King Kai nodded and her head felt dizzy from the mixed emotions she was feeling. Her youngest had found love, or so she had chosen to assume, and now had a family of his own. The thought filled her with great joy, but also great sadness, as that meant her youngest was all grown up and she had played no part in his life at all beyond giving birth to him. But she pushed the sadness aside and leaped with joy. 'I'm a grandmother!

Bardock hid his smile as he watched his wife. She was always such a softie. And for reasons he still did not understand, he loved that about her. It was strange. To most Saiyan it was considered an unattractive feature, but not to him. Raditz, however, turned away, embarrassed by his mother's reaction, but thankful she wasn't focusing on the fact that he kidnapped his own nephew.

'Well you can ask all about it when you see your son.'

'Wait, you're taking to see our other son?' Gine asked. 'Does that mean…' she asked hesitantly

'I'm afraid so,' King Kai answered. 'He's dead.'

Gine looked away with tears in her eyes while Bardock stood in thought. 'Did he fail against Frieza? Damn it! If only I had been able to stop him that day.'

Raditz, however, just laughed. 'So his friends weren't able to revive him after all. Serves him right.'

'Raditz!' Bardock yelled at his son while Gine looked at him in shock.

'What? Kakarot deserves it. He forgot all about his Saiyan heritage and left the inhabitants of Earth alive. And when I reminded him of his great legacy and offered him a chance to join the last of his species, he rejected me and his heritage in favor of the Earthlings he was suppose to eliminate. He even had his tail removed and denied his true name in favor of 'Goku', the name some human gave him. And how he died? He died taking me with him for the Earth! He chose them over his own brother!' Raditz ranted in anger, disregarding his previous hesitation to mention the circumstances of his death. He'd never admit it, but it did hurt that his brother chose Earthling over his own family. 'I gave him plenty of chances and he denied every single one! So he deserves to rot in Hell for all I care!'

Bardock frowned upon hearing this. He never imagined his youngest would turn his back on his heritage. 'Looks like I've got a couple of questions for Kakarot that he better answer.'

'Ahem!' King Kai said to get everyone's attention. 'While all of what Raditz said is true, that not why he's here. His friend did revive him using the Earth's dragon balls.'

'The dragon balls?' Gine looked confused.

'I've heard of them. Magic wish orbs capable of granting any wish. But I thought they were a myth and that only the Namekians possessed them,' Bardock asked.

'They're no myth and yes, only a special class of Namekians can make them. And Earth just happened to have one,' King Kai informed them.

'So his friends brought him to life?' Raditz asked the Kai, who nodded. 'Then Nappa must have killed him.'

'Nope,' King Kai said, shaking his head.

Raditz frowned. 'Then Prince Vegeta must have decided to kill Kakarot himself for some reason,' he concluded.

'Wrong again.'

'What? Did those bastards even go to Earth?' Raditz asked in anger.

'Oh they did. And Goku, or Kakarot as you know him, beat them.'

Gine looked surprised but Raditz was downright furious. 'Impossible!' Raditz declared. 'Kakarot's a low-class Saiyan! The only reason he killed me was because I was too careless and he had help from that Namekian! Even then, I dominated most of our fight. His power level wasn't even half mine, and mine is over 1200! Nappa and Vegeta are both elites with power levels much greater than my own! There's no way Kakarot could have gotten that strong in a year!'

'Well he had an excellent teacher, aka me,' King Kai said with pride. 'Anyway, if you want to know what happened, then you can ask him yourself. After the tournament.'

'Tournament?' Gine asked.

'Yes. A martial arts tournament where the greatest heroes now dead can compete to test their strengths. And what makes it more special is the fact that the winner get to train under the Grand Kai, a divine being above even me, and a legendary martial artist.'

Sign me up then,' Bardock said with a smirk. It would be a chance to fight some power opponents and see how strong his son has gotten.

'Me too,' Raditz said. 'I want to see for myself whether what this guy says about Kakarot is true or not.'

'Hold on! Neither of you are entering!' King Kai declared. 'The tournament is for the fighters who have earned the right! Selfless fighters who dedicated their lives to protecting others with their strength, a category neither of you fall under. So no, you get to watch the tournament, but not participate. Object, and you get sent back to Hell early.'

The two male Saiyan grumbled but held their tongue, neither wanting to return to Hell so soon. Gine, however, was beaming at the prospect of seeing her whole family together. 'So when do we go?' she asked the Kai.

'Now, so follow me.'

'So,' Gine looked at Bardock as they followed King Kai, 'what's this about fighting Chilled?' Raditz at them in interest. He had been wondering about that too. He heard of Chilled. One of Frieza's ancestors. Rumor had it he visited Planet Vegeta long before the Saiyans and Tuffles occupied the planet.

'Frieza's attack didn't kill me. Don't ask me how because I have no idea, but instead of killing me, it sent me into the past, back when Planet Vegeta was known as Planet Plant. I met the original inhabitants of the planet, but it wasn't long before Chilled forces tried to conquer the planet. Since they healed my injuries and proved me with sustenance, I chose to defend them. Besides, I figured maybe I'd get a decent workout. His men were too easy to handle, but then Chilled himself appeared. I thought he was Frieza and attacked, only to be easy beaten.' He grimaced at the memory. 'And then he did something, something that mad. Mad at him, and mad at myself for being weak, for not being strong enough to save anyone, including my team and planet! And then it happened.' Bardock stopped, his energy flaring around his body giving him a blue aura. Then his hair stood up and turned golden, his aura too. His eyes were now green, but his tail remained brown. Even though Raditz and Gine couldn't sense power level on their own, they could feel the power Bardock was radiating.

The two Saiyans were surprised by Bardock's transformation. They had never seen anything like it. 'I-is that… Is that the…' Gine tried to ask.

Bardock smirked and nodded. 'That's right. This form is the legendary power of a Super Saiyan!'

'Y-you've become a Super Saiyan? The Saiyan of legend?' Raditz asked, his voice filled with awe and envy.

'That right,' his father answered, powering down to his base form. 'I just wish I had transformed earlier, back when Frieza destroyed our planet. I could have stopped him!'

'Not quite,' King Kai started. 'Even if you had transformed, you still wouldn't have beaten Frieza.'

'What?' the Saiyans exclaimed.

'The Super Saiyan transformation isn't all powerful. True, it makes you much stronger, multiplying your power by 50. But even though you were able to beat Chilled, Frieza is much much stronger. At the strength you possessed that day, you could possibly have beaten Frieza in the form you know, but his kind is capable of transformation and he had three more forms, each much more powerful than the last. All it would take is Frieza's second form to easily wipe you out even as a Super Saiyan.'

The Saiyans, especially Bardock, could not believe what they were hearing. Frieza was already the most powerful being in the universe as they knew him, and he wasn't even in his most powerful form? Bardock's hand cliched. 'Damn it! Does that mean Frieza is stronger than even a Super Saiyan?'

King Kai pondered whether to tell them Frieza was dead now, but decided to leave that explanation to Goku. Besides, they arrived at the plane. It was a small plane that clearly has seen better days. It was patch up in many places. 'What a piece of junk,' Raditz commented, with Bardock and Gine silently agreeing.

'Junk or not, if you want to see Goku, this plane is how you'll get to him.'

'Hmph!' Raditz boarded the plane behind King Kai, not really caring about the reunion with his little brother. Kakarot was dead to him. But it beats going back to Hell.

Before Bardock could board the plane himself, Gine got in front of him. 'What?' he asked his wife.

'You're hiding something. I can tell.'

'I don't know what you're talking about,' he replied as he tried to going around her.

But Gine wouldn't let him and continued to get in his way. 'What happened that you so mad it triggered your super saiyan transformation?'

'I already told you.'

'No, you told me what made you angry, but not what triggered the anger in the first place. And you're gonna tell me,' she said, poking Bardock's chest.

He sighed. Gine was just as stubborn as he was, perhaps even more. She wasn't gonna give. 'Fine. There was this… this kid, okay. This stupid kid that would always come to the cave I was using for shelter, bringing food and water. I'd yell at him to go away but he always came back the next day. I gave up on it and so he ended up staying, watching me train. When Chilled had me at his mercy, that fool ran right at him, yelling at him to stop. Chilled swatted him away like a fly. That what triggered my rage. Because he'd grown on me, and I was powerless to protect him, just I was powerless to protect Tora, Fasha, Borgos, Shugest, not even you!' Bardock shook with anger until Gine put her arms around him, laying her head on his chest. Calming down, Bardock held her too. 'He survived, thankfully. And Chilled died at my hands after I became a Super Saiyan.'

He heard Gine giggle a bit, and sent her a confused look. Gine looked up at him'It's just surprising. The Great Bardock, caring about a kid he didn't even know.'

Bardock could help but chuckle too. 'It's your fault you know. Your such a softie it's rubbing off on me,' he said, with no hint of annoyance in his voice.

'Glad to know I have that effect on you,' Gine said as the two of them kissed.

'Ahem.' They broke the kiss and turned to see King Kai waiting at the plane's entrance. 'Hate to interupt, but we're going to be late.'

Reluctantly releasing each other, they join the Kai and their eldest son on the plane and flew off to the Grand Kai's planet with the hopes of meeting their youngest.

Alpha: Done. My first Dragon Ball fic.

Vegeta: And you choose to focus on that clown's family.

Goku: Hey, don't worry Vegeta. I'm sure he'll do a fic where you get to see your dad again.

Vegeta: Hmph. I don't care about that. Though I'm not exactly against the idea.

Alpha: One day.

Dragon Ball Z King Vegeta

Goku: See.

Vegeta: Just don't screw it up when you do! And no touchy-feelyness! My father and I are not like that at all!

Raditz: Neither am I.

Bardock: Nor I.

Alpha: Ok, I get! None of you are emotional! Chapter 2 will come out… at some point.

Vegeta: sarcastically Very specific.

Alpha: Hey, I've got other stories! Long ones that require my attention too!

Vegeta: You mean the ones involving those weak Earthling ninjas? Whatever, just don't forget about us, or I'll show you just how powerful my Galick Gun is.

Bulma: Vegeta! Do you always have to threaten our fanfic authors?

Bardock And King Vegeta Fusion Super

Vegeta: Of course. It the only way they'll do their jobs right.