
Old French Alternative forms. Plaider; Etymology. To implore; to beg; Conjugation. This verb conjugates as a first-group verb ending in -ier, with a palatal stem.These verbs.

A plaid or plaidie is an oblong strip of cloth which is usually made of wool, frequently with a tartan pattern. Plaids or plaidies were originally worn in rural areas by outdoor agricultural workers such as. Sae gi'e me your plaidie; I'll creep in beside ye; I thocht ye'd been aulder than three score and twa! She crap in ayont him, beside the stane wa', Whare Johnnie was listnin', and heard her tell a': The day was. 200A: The Gypsy Laddie 200A.1 THE gypsies came to our good lord’s gate, And wow but they sang sweetly! They sang sae sweet and sae very compleat That down came the fair lady. 200A.2 And she came tripping down the stair, And a’ her maids before her; As soon as they saw her well-far’d face, They coost the glamer oer her. 200A.3 ‘Gae tak frae me this gay mantile, And bring to me a plaidie.


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  • Over their shoulders hangs the 'plaidie,' which is a long shawl.

  • Tae view the lad an 'his tartan plaidie cho: Love fareweel, friends fareweel

  • ' 'A lad about fourteen, ' he'd say, -wi' a green plaidie and a small gilt brooch.

  • And the tress are bowed doun wi 'their plaidie o' snaw,

  • Laid oot in the heather in his tartan plaidie. shoon - shoes. grat - complained. daurnae - dare not. gar - make. sheughs - ditches.

  • Oh, come under my plaidie, and sit down beside me!

  • I 'm tentin' the kye wi 'my dog, staff, and plaidie;

  • Come under my plaidie, the night's gaun to fa ', vol. i.,

  • Sae gi'e me your plaidie, I 'll creep in beside ye --

  • Maggie opened it defiantly, and never flinched at the sight of so many brawny men; she only wrapped her plaidie more tightly round her.


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