
  1. Aangirfan Latest
  2. Aangirfan Epstein

Aangirfan: CYRIL SMITH AND THE CIA Jimmy Savile 'North Yorkshire Police did not disrupt the longest running and most successful paedophile-ring in British history that was operating openly for over fifty years in small seaside towns (Scarborough and Whitby) where they were well known locally for their activities.' Jan 07, 2013 The case of Aangirfan, alias Aanirfan, provides a useful warning that the Internet is a source not of information, but of images and verbiage, which may or may not convey real information, and which have been placed at your disposal for reasons you know nothing about, but which may be intended greatly to your detriment.

Aangirfan Removed. (Restored)

Update December 8th, 2018.

The main Aangirfan site, aanirfan.com has been restored on blogger.com, this is very pleasing and frankly, stunning news.

Update- November 14th, 2018. There is a new site for Aangirfan now available at Tumblr.

Thank you Aangirfan for leaving the link. It is to be hoped that the previous site can be restored, but at least there is an Aangirfan site.

November 13th, 2018.

I was very disappointed to click on the bookmark last night and discover that the prolific and popular Aangirfan website has completely disappeared.

The cause of this is unclear but given the dedication of the writers on this site and the volume of work they publish, it is inconceivable that the authors have removed the site of their own volition.

As it stands, four and a half years of work, comprising thousands of articles on a huge variety of topics are no longer there.

Aangirfan Latest

The current site started in April 2014 after the previous site aangirfan.com became inoperable, the writers stating that they could no longer access the account.

That site, started in late 2004 is still online unlike its successor.

In April 2014 when the writer/s of Aangirfan were locked out of that ten-year site, they immediately started posting on the new site. I don’t think they missed a day so it is highly likely that they will start a new site in the near future if they are unable to have the 2014-2018 site restored.

Aangirfan is a great site and one that I and many others owe them a lot so presuming that the original second site cannot be restored, the purpose of this piece is to gather and disseminate the new address they are posting under.

Hopefully larger sites will perform this task, but they may not, so I would be immensely gratified if anyone comes across any information about the new site for Aangirfan, please leave the web address in the comments and I will give a link to the new site.


Aangirfan Epstein

Happily others have noticed this unhappy turn of events. Thanks to Henry Makow for providing brabantian a platform to lament this event.